Yu gi oh abridged
Yu gi oh abridged


Has a habit of subconsciously saying "Nyeh!" at times and is a closet furry. Joey serves the same role as he does originally.

  • Super-Powered Evil Side: In Season Zero.

    Sealed Evil in a Can: Season Zero mostly, but he has his moments in the main series ("Now burn it, Yugi.Politically Incorrect Hero: Aims a string of misogynistic insults at the offscreen, comatose Mai in episode 54, much to Joey's discomfort.


  • His season zero counterpart is a full blown psycho who just seems to like killing the people who hurt Yugi, making him heroic in the loosest possible definition.
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath: On Christmas, he sent Marik and his evil Council of Doom a present.
  • yu gi oh abridged

    Depraved Bisexual: Comes off as this, at least in the "What would Yugi do?" video.The Caligula: His rule as Pharaoh Atem "Slavemas" is the only word you need.He cares nothing for anyone, loves to Mind Crush people, when Yugi's friends are in danger his reactions range from indifference to joy, and in Season 0 he's completely Ax Crazy. Watapon! Am I right?" - About one of the cards in Kaiba's lame-ass deck when he takes over the duel with Noah. And then there's Bonds Beyond Time Abridged.However, in "They Saved Tristan's Brain," it's revealed that he isn't sure if she's a girl. Alternatively, Bi the Way, because of Téa.Turns out the "ghost" was actually a gay clown. Ambiguously Gay: Bakura's gaydar has reacted to him, he believes that the Millennium Puzzle is just fabulous, has an obsession with leather pants and claimed that he was straight if Kaiba's ghost was real.All in all, a difficult man to figure out. In the past, he also wasn't a benevolent pharaoh, as evidenced by his tradition of Slavemas. Has a penchant for Mind Crushing gay clowns and in the old days used to summon monsters out of thin air to brutally murder anyone he deemed as a threat. Yami is a bastard, to put it simply, but his antics are just so damn hilarious that we can't help but love him for it. In the Abridged Series, Yami is not as heroic as he used to be, but at the same time he's just as hammy, if not more so. The incredibly FABULOUS alter-ego of our protagonist. Yami Victor Yugi, aka "The Pharaoh" aka " Dan Green" He mentions he should quit smoking after running for a relatively short time makes him exhausted. Mundane Utility: Uses the millennium puzzle as a fashion accessory and visits the Pharaoh's soul room when he gets bored.Kid with the Leash: Currently the page quote (for a very good reason).Although they both really don't want anyone cutting in on their screen time. He then questions this when he starts to believe that the Pharaoh is the hero.It's All About Me: Acknowledges his role as main character, but sometimes lets it get out of hand i.e, not allowing anyone more screen time than him.Hipster: "I'm Yugi Moto, and I was playing card games before it was cool.".The Hero: Although he believes the Pharaoh to be the hero.Catch Phrase: "Super Special Awesome" and " Let Me Get This Straight.".He's quite often a jerk, even to his friends, and can be very bitter and cynical at times, but he does show he's a good guy mostly. Anti-Hero: Varies between Type I and Type III.Anime Hair: Which is crazy enough for two people.Including the spirit that possesses him regularly. Adorkable: At least two people have mistaken him for a baby panda.His story plays out pretty much the same as it normally does, except with more card games and snarkiness. In the Abridged Series, Yugi shares the most amount of ever-so coveted screen time with Yami. 5.14 Jack Slenderman, aka "The Slender Man"Īh, yes.5.7 The Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future.1.2 Yami Victor Yugi, aka "The Pharaoh" aka "Dan Green".

    yu gi oh abridged

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    yu gi oh abridged


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  • Yu gi oh abridged